Its undoubtedly the largest indigenous community  of Colombia with a very particular charm, because the more you know their customs and traditions, the most surprised we are; the inherent pride of Wayuú and the roots of their culture have allowed much of their rites remain until the present days, which are transmitted from father to son in each generation. Today we will show you some Wayuú customs with a surprising meaning.

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Wayuú customs

The confinement


The confinement is a transition ritual in which the Wayuu girl becomes Majayut (Lady). With the first menstruation it is understood that the girls can already be prepared to assume their role in the community and get married. For this a ranch is built, or a space is allocated within the family home; which is divided from the rest with a white sheet or a partition where the young woman will be secluded and only have contact with some women, since tradition forbids her to be seen or see any man.

First days…

During the first 3 days she will stay lying in a hammock on top of the ranch looking at the ceiling; this in order to throw away all the evils of her childhood. Also receives 3 showers in the day and one in the early morning since it is believed that the cold of dawn helps remove impurities and bad thoughts.


Grandmother and Mother are responsible for the care of the young woman. Her hair is cut and she is instructed in values, housework such as knitting and the ability of mediating in family conflicts. This process can traditionally last between 1 year (12 moons) and 5 years.

Presentation of the Majayut…

After this time the father is informed of the departure of his daughter to prepare the celebration where she will be presented as a Majayut; she will have to buy new dresses and accessories since she will never use the same ones from her childhood which are discarded. In addition to the closest family, attend young friends and gentlemen interested on her, who can (or can not) make offers to the grandmother or the mother. Here they prepare Friche and dance the Yonna; so the beginning of this dance is in charge of the Majayut with one of the young guests.


Documentary Film La Eterna Noche de las 12 Lunas, in English: (The Eternal Night of the 12 Moons). This documentary shows how this ritual of confinement takes place in the Wayuú customs.

The marriage


This is a very important event in the life of the Wayuú people which should not be interpreted or judged from the perspective of the Alijuna (non-indigenous person), since within the Wayuú culture there is no attempt to give a woman commercial value, but rather a moral value.

Once the Majayut has surpassed El Encierro or confinement and is ready to get marry. According to the indigenous mythology of this town, the law of payment was established by Maleiwa (creator god) for the father to get back what he paid for the mother of his daughter.

What happen when a man pretends a young woman?

When a man pretends a young woman he approaches her maternal uncle and offers a gift to the family. The acceptance of the gift implies the acceptance of the groom and the payment is agreed or dowry that will depend on the economic condition of the groom’s family, can be from 3 goats to many heads of cattle. In this payment the whole family collaborates, in this way the appreciation of the groom is manifested and the fidelity of the wife is sought. In case the woman does not fulfill her duties or is unfaithful, the husband may request the return of the Dote or additional compensation as the case may be.

The ceremony

The ceremony consists of a great party where the families of the couple make an exchange of gifts and in this way the prestige of the family is demonstrate; even more than the union of the individuals, it constitutes an alliance or agreement between both parties. At the party, the amount of food and liquor is an essential part because the richer the families; greater the material resources are.

Once married, the place of the house is chosen, which is generally close to the family with more favorable conditions and then the place of permanent housing.

The Road to Jepira


Jepira is the deads sanctuary located in Cabo de la Vela. In Wayuú customs people die twice; the first time is earthly death, when the soul separates from the body and goes to rest to Jepira. News of the death arrives to the relatives and close friends by the voice to voice of the travelers from one ranchería to another. The women wash the dead man Crefully and dress him in his best clothes and jewels; then wrap them in a cloth called Shehí and place him in a hammock in the center of the ranch; where he can last from 3 to 5 days waiting for the relatives, meanwhile women with their faces covered take turns to mourn the family member and not let him alone at any moment.

There is more…

If necessary, the body is covered with fresh skin of beef to avoid evaporation, after the deadline the body is taken to the cemetery by closest relatives; during the vigil is obligation of the family to sacrifice livestock and distribute chirrinchi or Whiskey and surpluses are given to the attendees as a token of appreciation. The relatives will visit the deceased to the cemetery every month, at 6 months and a year.

After less than 7 years…

the deceased is revealed in a dream to a relative of the maternal line indicating that it is time for the second burial. In this event each family nucleus provides a goat or resource to receive the guests. This vigil lasts at least 5 days giving the family the opportunity to make important decisions. A woman of the maternal lineage is designated to perform an exhumation with great care; first the head is removed and wrapped in a white sheet and deposited along with the rest in a wide-mouthed clay pot which is taken back to the house and placed in a hammock to be veiled as the first time; the assistants are better served than the first time because this is the final goodbye. Finally, the remains are taken to the cemetery and arranged in a different place to the first one.


Wayuú Culture Festival.

As you can see, the Wayuú have a culture very rich in traditions with a ritual meaning that involves the whole family and affirms ties of domination, fraternity and position within society. It is fascinating how the Guajira invites us to get to know it more deeply, not only the immense beauty of its beaches; but also to immerse ourselves in the sea of ​​its cultural richness. La Guajira waits for you this August 17, 18 and 19 at its Wayuú Culture Festival.

Come on, dare to discover it!

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