The Tequendama Falls, nature and mystery

The Tequendama Falls is located in the municipality of Soacha, department of Cundinamarca; 30 kilometers from Bogotá. Its flagship image is the 180 meter high natural waterfall, the most famous in Colombia.


Salto_del_Tequendama,_Colombia Foto Commonswikipedia


The myth of the creation of the Tequendama Falls

The myth says that the creation of this magnificent place is due to Bochica (a God of the Muiscas); this taught the Muisca culture to spin cotton, to create music and all the principles of morality and behavior in society. It is said that this God Muisca created the Tequendama Falls with a blow from his staff to evacuate the waters that were flooding the Bogotá Savannah.


How to get to the Tequendama Falls?

hotel del salto del tequendama
Photo taken from

The main thing is to be in Bogotá, then reach Soacha where you can take a Transmilenio to San Mateo station from the South Portal; when you arrive you take a bus that says “Charquito – Salto de Tequendama”. The route takes approximately 1 hour and a half.


The Tequendama Falls Viewpoint

mirador del Salto del Tequendama

In 1928 the Hotel Del Salto opened its doors. It is a luxurious and emblematic hotel with a gothic and gloomy appearance that attracts the attention of visitors and the curiosity of many. This elegant hotel has a beautiful viewpoint that overlooks the waterfall of the jump. An imposing waterfall that has been a suicide option for many over the years; that is why this place keeps so much mystery and paranormal atmosphere. Suitable for true brave.


What else will you find in El Salto del Tequendama?

This mythical and dreary place of Colombia, is the owner of the museum house Salto de Tequendama Biodiversity and Culture, a place where you can learn more about the Sabana de Bogotá, its history, development and growth.



Curious and mysterious fact of the Tequendama Falls:

It is said that late afternoon, around 5p.m., until the early morning there are paranormal activities throughout the sector, especially in the waterfall and around the hotel; they say they have heard laments and screams and see shadows that run through the place. It is thought that they are the souls in pain of all who committed suicide in this place.


You will find food in this place…

comida en el salto del tequendama

In spite of being a mysterious place, that many would think more than 2 times to go to visit, if there are many tourists who arrive until the Tequendama Falls; That is why there are food kiosks where you can find the famous “canelazo” which is a hot drink between cinnamon, panela and aguardiente water, ideal for the cold weather at night.

You can also try the delicious roasted sausages with ears coated in butter and cheese.

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