Tips to save water

Today marks the world water day. The objective of celebrating this date is to recognize the importance of this finite natural resource for all living beings on the planet. We are currently facing a global water crisis, a product of excessive consumerism, mismanagement of natural resources and human overpopulation. Therefore, in this blog we will share some tips to save water and that in this way you can contribute your grain of sand by responsibly consuming this element.


Importance of water for living beings

flamingos-agua y ecosistemas expotur

Water is indispensable for all living beings, it ensures that biological processes necessary for the reproduction of life can be carried out. Below, we will share with you the main ones:

Water for humans

Two thirds of the human body is water, which makes it essential for regular processes such as digestion, absorption and elimination of waste, maintaining somatic temperature, preventing headaches, relieving fatigue, reducing the risk of heart problems, among others.

Water for ecosystems

The main benefit is climate regulation. If the climate crisis we are experiencing continues, it will significantly affect these environments. Currently we can see the deterioration of coral reefs, forest fires, loss of biodiversity, among others.

Similarly, plants are composed of 70% to 90% water. Without this resource, the plant world would be exposed to extinction; and the planet, to drought, which would also lead to the extinction of animal species and human beings.


Water saving tips

consejos para ahorrar agua expotur eco

Finally, here are the main tips to avoid wasting water in your home and workplace.


Take a bath in the shortest time possible.

When we take too long baths we are consuming more than a thousand liters of water.


Turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth

This is one of the most heard but least implemented water saving tips. Unknowingly, people leave the faucet running, wasting an average of 30 liters of water each time they brush.


Do not keep the faucet running while washing dishes.

The most appropriate thing to do is to soap them and then rinse them at the same time.


Place flow reducers in your faucets.

This will considerably reduce water consumption and maintain pressure.


Do monthly checks of your plumbing

This should be done mainly in your bathrooms and kitchen.


riega tus plantas en la noche expotur


Water your plants at night

It is preferable to water your plants in the evening, but you can also do it very early in the morning.


Use your washing machine at its maximum capacity

Whenever possible, use the washing machine at its maximum capacity. This saves twice as much energy and water.


Reuse the water from the washing machine

You can buy a large container to store the water from washing and rinsing, with this you can clean your terrace. This action is also known for flushing toilets.


Recycle rainwater and air conditioners

With this water you can water your plants, or as in the previous item, wash your patio, terrace, or flush your toilet.


Reuse water from inflatable pools

As in the previous two water-saving tips, use it for plants, washing the car, the deck, the patio or for bathing.


lava tu carro con cubeta expotur


Wash your car with a bucket, not a hose.

Hoses waste more water. If for some reason you cannot wash your car with a bucket, you can install a flow reducer on your hose.


Don’t play with water

One of the most important tips for saving water is this. If you want to have fun and cool off at the same time, choose to visit a beach, a lake or any other aquatic ecosystem.

We hope these water-saving tips will help you and that together we will help the planet.

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