Category recommendations

Guaviare, un destino por descubrir

Guaviare es un lugar lleno de paisajes hermosos que debes conocer. Este departamento hace parte de los “destinos Turismo y Paz” que el gobierno de Colombia quiere posicionar como atractivo turístico del país. . El clima de Guaviare Su clima…

The Coffee area in Colombia

eje cafetero colombia. foto tomada de viajes luxury

The coffee belt is a region that combines geography, culture, economy and ecology. It is located in the Caldas, Risaralda, Quindío and Tolima provinces. In its beginnings it was an area recognized cause of the production of rubber, but in…

The wonderful Cocora Valley

valle de cocora quindio

Cocora Valley has a large population of the national wax palm of Quindío, which is very representative not only for the region but also for the country. This majestic place has a great variety of fauna and flora, of which,…

The Tequendama Falls, nature and mystery

salto del tequendama

The Tequendama Falls is located in the municipality of Soacha, department of Cundinamarca; 30 kilometers from Bogotá. Its flagship image is the 180 meter high natural waterfall, the most famous in Colombia. . . The myth of the creation of…

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